Sunday, November 1, 2015

Instead of NaNoWriMo

Another of my periodic attempts to reboot my interest in Japanese: everyone else seems to be doing NaNoWriMo so instead I'm going to try (again) to work my way through the 1958 Teach Yourself Japanese.  There are 30 lessons in it, and 30 days in the month.  I've done the first seven or so lessons several times but always got bogged down.

There are some good reasons not to keep banging my head against this book: it's rather dated, even in the early stages clearly tries to explain too much at once and gets into a muddle, and uses the old romanization.  But I still rather like it since it uses a large vocabulary and seems to cover most of the grammar.  I might have a go at the accompanying volume An Introduction To Written Japanese if I fancy something different (I tend to get about 5 or 6 lessons into this, then lose the thread).  I suppose I should fiddle with the Obenkyo kanji-flashcard app too when I have the time.

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